Monday, July 23, 2012

Getting very annoyed

Today has been an exhausting day. Why do I feel like no one can figure out what's wrong with Tito? I feel like they don't know so they ate just passing him from one specialist to another. Why does my sons vomit 6-7 times a day? We have done an upper go and a video swallow and now been to the allergist. How ma ny more people do we have to go see and to hear ummmm you need to see GI? Well no dip!!!! His GI doctor is the one sending us to all you morons. I'm very upset at this point and annoyed. Now they wanna do a scope so they can come back and say hmmmm that yeilded nothing. Then the GI doctor says he may have some syndrome but Don't tell me which one so I can research it. Ughhhhh! What the hell is wrong with my baby? Just tell me already!?!

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