I finally got to the report appointment. Why is it everytime the doctor says the word autism the rest of the rest of the meeting is fuzzy? It's like I'm listening and ready to hear the results but as soon as the word AUTISM comes out of her mouth its all down hill after that. I felt like I was sitting in a bubble and my mouth was sewn shut and I am screaming to the top of my lungs"shut up lalalalalalalala" It's the craziest feeling.
Any how his final diagnoses is Autism PDD-NOS, Global Developmental Delay,dyspraxia, sensory processing disorder, and mixed language delay. Well, I think thats enough now don't you.
I'm glad that parts over now for the best part about having to listen to all of that, IT'S TIME FOR THE BUTT WHOOPEN! The big girl undies are back on and I am ready to kick Autism toosh.
I am so happy that I am the proactive mother that I am and have already made a twitter account and facebook to spread awareness and advocate for my angel. Also along the way I have enjoyed blogs and facebook pages from some great people like Gaven's Gang (For Autism Awareness), Autism Warrior Long Island,NY,Cookies for Ipads giving children with autism a voice, More Than Autism,Grape Jelly on Pizza, Homestyle Mama(with a side of autism),
Autism Daddy and Matteo's world.
I have been reading tons of books and I have a great team that my angel and I work with every day.
My philosophy is My son has Autism. Autism does not have my son!!! I heard that from a dear friend.